Over time, students need to transition financial responsibilities over from their parents. 一段时间后,学生就需要将父母身上的经济责任过渡到自己身上了。
So how do Mr. Kays and his wife, Lisa, oversee their own financial responsibilities, which include caring for six children ranging in age from six to 22? 凯斯和他妻子丽莎(Lisa)有六个孩子,年龄从6岁到22岁不等,要照顾这么一大家子人,凯斯夫妇自己是如何理财的呢?
Yet the services and composite applications in an SOA often don't follow an enterprise's strict hierarchical reporting and financial structure, creating gaps and overlap in IT responsibilities. SOA中的服务和组合应用程序经常并不遵循企业严格的层次报告和财务结构,从而在IT责任方面造成空白和重叠。
The glass ceiling has been pierced and more and more women have taken over the financial responsibilities and have been saddled with them as well. 玻璃天花板正在被穿透,越来越多的女性负起了赚钱养家的责任,接过了经济重担。
The letter starts by describing the legal framework within which both the financial secretary and the monetary authority discharge their responsibilities concerning monetary and certain financial affairs. 函件开首指出财政司司长与金融管理专员履行在货币与金融事务方面的职责时所依据的法律架构。
It is inconceivable that having entrusted the Fund with vastly increased financial resources and new responsibilities, world leaders would not want a substantial degree of control. 很难想象,如果IMF的财力大幅增强并被赋予了新的职责,世界领导人会不希望得到高度控制权。
Many companies check out only staff who have financial responsibilities or are in senior positions where the risk is seen as greatest. 很多公司只审查承担财务职责或者身居要职的职员,这些职位风险最大。
Disencumber oneself of financial responsibilities, social commitments. 摆脱经济负担、社会义务。
Secondly, there are important financial responsibilities that fall on the west, notably the EU, US and International Monetary Fund. 第二,西方要承担起重要的财政责任,特别是欧盟、美国和国际货币基金组织(IMF)。
As with other business failures, the collapse of Enron has drawn attention to the accounting profession, our role in America's financial markets and our public responsibilities. 正如其他商业失败一样,安然公司的倒塌吸引了社会各界对会计职业、会计职业的公众责任及其在金融市场中的作用的广泛关注。
What are the basic financial stewardship responsibilities required for all TRF grants? 基金会所有奖助金规定哪些基本财务监督责任?
The financial officers generally have four major responsibilities. 财务主管一般有四项主要职责。
With Saturn conjunct the Sun, you will be in realistic mode and very cognizant of your financial responsibilities. 当土星联结太阳,你会非常现实并认清你的金融责任。
An office of high rank, entrusted only to men who had previously served as consuls, the censorship encompassed financial and accounting responsibilities related to taxation and population management. 高阶级的职位,只交讬给曾担任过执政官的人,其监察职责包括跟人口和税赋管理有关的金融与会计。
And special professionals to analyze A Tyre& Rubber Company's financial statements, identifying the responsibilities for accounts receivable management; 落实应收账款管理的专门人员,明确责任,对企业财务报表进行分析;
Macro-financial Risks and Governmental Financial Responsibilities 宏观金融风险与政府财政责任
The subject of financial crime, either natural person subject or unit subject, is the one who commits financial crime and bears the criminal responsibilities. 金融犯罪的主体是金融犯罪行为的实施者和刑事责任的承担者,包括自然人主体和单位主体二种。
Whether the rural financial system could shoulder its due responsibilities or not, is the key to the agricultural modernization and the successful construction of the new countryside, as well as the implementation of domestic demand oriented economic development strategy. 农村金融体系能否切实承担起应有职责,关系到农业现代化和新农村建设的成败,以及内需型经济战略的实施。
But I state government non tax revenue increase alleviate the financial funds at the same time, as a result of financial powers and responsibilities are not clear, the unreasonable distribution of resources, collection is non-standard wait for a series of problems gradually appear. 但是在我州政府非税收入的不断增加缓解了财政资金不足的同时出现了财权和事权的不明确,并财力分配不合理征管不规范等一系列的问题。
Rational division of the financial power and responsibilities of grass root government is an important choice for paying the wage arrears to teachers and civil servants, eliminating government debt in county and town level, and strengthening the functions of providing public service of county and township government. 合理划分基层政府的事权和财权,是解决欠发公教人员工资、化解县乡政府债务、强化县乡政府公共服务职能的重要选择。
The existing institutional arrangements are neither the implementation of the financial institutions to serve the obligations and responsibilities of the farmers nor the formation of a policy environment conducive to financial institutions serving farmers. 现有的制度安排既没有落实金融机构服务农民的义务和责任,也没有形成有利于金融机构服务农民的政策环境。
Provincial economic growth is both the needs of realizing political achievements and the financial assurance to accomplish the responsibilities; hence the competitiveness of provincial economy becomes the hot point theoretically and practically. 省级区域经济增长既是区域政府官员实现政绩的需要,也是省级政府完成事权的财力保证,省级区域经济竞争力也日益成为理论界和地方政府共同关注的热点。
Besides, we should keep the fiscal balance, distinguish clearly the financial responsibilities of local governments at all levels, and strengthen the regulatory role of budget and audit and other supervisions. 坚持财政均衡,明确各级地方政府财政责任,强化预算监督和审计监督等各方面的监管作用。
The reform of existing fiscal system is the key point to solve the "three problems about countryside agriculture and farmers" effectively. The financial powers and responsibilities of central and local governments must be re-defined under unified model between urban and rural areas. 有效解决三农问题,现有财政体制的完善是绕不过去的路径,必须在城乡一元的模式下,在中央政府与地方政府之间重新划分事权,重新配置财权。
The target of financial accounting is varying from fiduciary responsibilities to decision-making availability, and emphasizes that the accounting information is in favor of the investors 'decision. 财务会计目标逐渐由受托责任观转向决策有用观,强调会计信息更加有利于投资者进行决策。
The government should uphold the responsibility to establish and manage the social security system and financial delivery is one of its major responsibilities. 政府应该承担社会保障制度建设和运行管理的责任,其中资金给付责任是政府的主要责任之一。
These systems include the creation mode, the location of legal nature, legal status, setting the scope of protection object, financial security, governance structure and responsibilities. 这些制度包括投资者保护协会的建立模式、法律性质定位、法律地位、保护对象范围的设定、经费保障、治理结构、职责等。
The third chapter introduces the government in thedevelopment of the rural endowment insurance should bear the responsibility, financial responsibility, supervision and management responsibilities. 第三章分别介绍了政府在发展农村养老保险中应承担的组织责任、财政责任、监督管理责任。
Meanwhile, the personal financial decisions vital to the future life of the responsibilities and risks are transferred from government to workers and employers where the body. 同时,对个人未来生活至关重要的金融决策的责任和风险正在从政府和雇主那里转移到工作者身上。
First of all, the optimization of road& bridge construction enterprise financial control mode, implement financial institution flat clear position of responsibilities and the standard set of financial personnel management. 首先优化路桥施工企业财务控制模式,实行财务机构扁平化、明确岗位设置、职责分工及规范财务人员管理。